Common Challenges to Asset and Risk Management
February 06, 2024To optimize their physical assets, and to ensure they provide the highest ROI, companies require a thorough grasp on their assets and the risks that come with it. Companies can make bad decisions without an adequate understanding of the risks. This could ultimately affect their bottom line. Insufficiently implemented asset and risk management process can expose businesses to costly regulatory fines or loss of profits due to insufficient plan for the unpredictable.
The most frequently encountered and significant issues affecting managing risk and assets include:
Inadequate awareness of what an organization’s assets can do For instance employees might not know that a specific piece of equipment is able to perform a function that is beyond its intended range or to operate it with the highest efficiency. This can lead to underutilisation of the asset, and a lower ROI over the course of its life. This can be avoided by ensuring that employees receive adequate training to comprehend the capabilities of the asset and how to use it in a responsible manner.
Lack of a solid process to manage risk – The continuous demand for compliance that have flooded the sector since the financial crisis have left many companies with a lack of time to consider strategic risk-management considerations. This has led to inadequate strategies for managing risk, faulty risk assessment methodologies and missed opportunities to improve the performance of the assets of an organization.
Third-party risk – From cyber security to data integrity, and reputational damage could have huge implications for an organisation. To minimize this type of risk the need for a robust process for vetting vendors should be established with failsafe procedures in place to ensure all vendors are properly vetted.