How to Layout Your Boardroom

The boardroom is among the most important places for decision-making in the workplace. This space was originally reserved for meetings between business owners, C-level executives, and other stakeholders. It has grown into a flexible area that encourages collaboration and building. When you’re hosting an in person meeting or a video conference, the layout and design of your boardroom are crucial to efficient deliberations and productive discussions that help organizations achieve success.

The most common boardroom style is a large table that is with chairs on all sides. This ensures good visibility and encourages discussion. It can accommodate up to two dozen people at once. It’s also a good format for presentations as it lets participants take notes and use their devices without obstructing the screen.

A hollow square is also a favorite. It is characterized by rectangular tables that board meeting software reviews have an area in the center to accommodate attendees. This type of format is perfect for smaller groups. Facilitators can shift between tables to offer assistance and answer questions.

A chevron-style layout is akin to a classroom but with tables and participants facing each other rather than toward the speaker. This can still be useful in workshops and training sessions however it limits the degree of direct interaction between the trainers and the participants. It can also cause obstruction to lines of sight in certain locations.

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